Type of publication: Book / Working Paper
Type of publication (narrower categories): Working Paper
Language: English
ISBN: 978-3-86829-893-2
Other identifiers:
890185352 [GVK]
hdl:10419/170461 [Handle]
RePEc:zbw:mlucee:201705 [RePEc]
Classification: A12 - Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines ; D02 - Institutions: Design, Formation, and Operations ; D21 - Firm Behavior ; D23 - Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights ; D62 - Externalities ; L14 - Transactional Relationships; Contracts and Reputation; Networks ; L21 - Business Objectives of the Firm ; M14 - Corporate Culture; Social Responsibility ; P12 - Capitalist Enterprises ; Y80 - Related Disciplines
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