The relationship between earnings volatility and corporate risk disclosures
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Rammala, Johannes ; Toerien, Franz Eduard |
Published in: |
South African journal of economic and management sciences. - Pretoria : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], ISSN 2222-3436, ZDB-ID 2628615-4. - Vol. 27.2024, 1, p. 1-11
Subject: | Corporate risk management | derivatives | earnings volatility | firm value | hedging | risk disclosure | and speculation | Hedging | Risikomanagement | Risk management | Volatilität | Volatility | Derivat | Derivative | Unternehmenswert | Firm value | Unternehmenspublizität | Corporate disclosure | Spekulation | Speculation | Risiko | Risk | Auskunftspflicht | Disclosure regulation |
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