Use of the extreme groups approach: A critical reexamination and new recommendations
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Preacher, K. J. ; Rucker, D. D. ; MacCallum, R. C. ; Nicewander, W. A. |
Subject: | extreme groups | tertile split | quartile split | dichotomization |
A researcher's guide to regression, discretization, and median splits of continuous variables
Rucker, Derek D., (2015)
Toward a more nuanced understanding of the statistical properties of a median split
Iacobucci, Dawn, (2015)
The median split : robust, refined, and revived
Iacobucci, Dawn, (2015)
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Testing complex correlational hypotheses using structural equation modeling
Preacher, K. J., (2006)
Bauer, D. J., (2006)
SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models
Preacher, K. J., (2004)
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