Utility-Marketing Partnerships: An Effective Strategy for Marketing Green Power?
This paper explores whether partnerships between utilities and independent marketers are an effective strategy for marketing green power. We present case studies of voluntary and mandatory partnerships covering green power program design and implementation in both regulated and restructured electricity markets. We also include perspectives (based on interviews) from utilities, marketers, and regulators involved in developing and implementing these partnerships. From these case studies and interviews, we describe lessons learned about developing effective partnerships, including such issues as respective roles in marketing and administration, product branding, and contract and incentive structures. Based on experience to date, strategic partnerships between utilities and marketers can be an effective approach to marketing green power. Partnerships leverage the sales and resource procurement experience of marketers and the utility?s reputation and access to customers. Further, partnerships can create greater incentives for success because marketers have a vested financial interest in maximizing customer participation and green power sales.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Bird, L. A. ; Brown, E. S. |
Subject: | energy planning, policy and economy | energy conservation, consumption, and utilization | DESIGN | ELECTRICITY | IMPLEMENTATION | MARKETERS | MARKETING | PROCUREMENT | SALES |
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