When it Pays to be Honest: How a Variable Period of Good Conduct Can Improve Incentives in Personal Bankruptcy Proceedings
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Bigus, Jochen ; Steiger, Eva-Maria |
Published in: | |
Subject: | Schuldentilgung | Schuldenerlass | Überschuldung |
- 1. The Model
- 1.1 Assumptions
- 1.2 Analysis: Ex-Post Incentives with Stylized Benkruptcy Regimes
- 1.3 Reform Proposal: Ex-Post Incentives with a Variable Period of Good Conduct
- 1.4 Return to the Creditor
- 1.5 Stigma of Bankruptcy
- 2. Discussion
- 3. Are existing bankruptcy codes incentive-compatible?
- 4. Conclusion
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Variable Wohlverhaltensperiode als anreizkompatibles Instrument des Verbraucherinsolvenzverfahrens
Bigus, Jochen, (2003)
Bigus, Jochen, (2006)
Bigus, Jochen, (2006)
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