Economics and Business Studies Research in times of Corona
Open Access Full Texts related to the Corona crisis
in EconBiz | overview of topics, authors and more in EconBiz AuthorProfiles
in Ideas/ RePEc
World Economic Forum: Publications related to COVID-19
Coronavirus and Economic Development
World Bank Group: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
IMF: Policy Respones to COVID-19
OECD: Tackling Coronavirus (COVID-19)
DIW: Coronavirus and its effects
IfW: Subject Dossier - The Corona Crisis
RWI: Economic effects of the coronacrisis
ZEW: Coronavirus Crisis
ZBW: Spotlight with literature on the subject of the coronavirus and the global economy
AEA: How economists can help combat COVID-19 - interview in the AEA podcast
Business and Management related Information on Corona
Harvard Business School: Working Knowledge COVID-19
Harvard Business School: COVID-19 Business Impact Center
ZBW: Spotlight with literature on the subject Management and COVID-19
COVID-19 Teaching Resources
Core-Econ: CORE COVID-19 collection includes Teaching Resources, Assignments, Exercises, and Literature.
Access to Publications while Libraries are closed
Open Access Publications in EconBiz
Check "Open Access only" under the EconBiz search in order to find Open Access content only. Note, however that your university or academic library might provide additional licensed materials through remote access like VPN, Shibboleth or other authentication options so you may have access to more publications. Ask about options in your library.
Corona special offers from Publishers: Free or easier access to Publications
A number of journals and publishers offer their content for free for a limited period of time. (If you find that relevant publishers and their Corona access options are missing here, please contact us at info@.)
DBIS: List of licensed databases that unlock more contents (for users of libraries with an existing license)
open Find publications on Coronavirus/ COVID-19/ SARS-CoV-2 (description in German)
EZB: Open Access Journals in Economics (Filter for "freely available")