Showing 41 - 50 of 270
Sociological as well as economic research is interested in the role of social networks in staffing processes. Empirical studies usually consider them as relevant from the job seekers' point of view. But there is only little knowledge of firms' perspective on this issue. This paper contributes to...
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The basic concept of multiple imputation is straightforward and easy to understand, but the application to real data imposes many implementation problems. To define useful imputation models for a dataset that consists of categorical and of continuous variables with distributions that are...
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The advent of the New Economic Geography has spawned a renewed interest in questions of agglomeration. The present work expands the research on the impact of agglomeration economies on employment growth by connecting two strands of the empirical literature. A localization index and a cluster...
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Die Haushaltsstruktur ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die materielle Lage von Familien. Die Armutsgefährdung und die Angewiesenheit auf Leistungen der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende von Alleinerziehenden und Paarhaushalten mit Kindern unterscheiden sich erheblich. In der Untersuchung...
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Zentraler Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Selektion in Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Hierzu wird - basierend auf Erkenntnissen aus der Literatur und Experteninterviews mit Arbeitsvermittlern - ein realistischer Selektionsprozess von der...
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This paper explores whether wage, employment and tenure outcomes of workers taking up a job subsidized by the German Federal Employment Agency differ by industry. The analysis utilizes administrative data and statistical matching tech-niques; it covers an observation period of 3.5 years. First,...
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Targeted wage subsidies paid to employers are an important element of active labour market policies in Germany. This paper uses propensity score matching to investigate their effect on subsidised hard-to-place workers. In a first scenario, we estimate the average treatment effect of a subsidy on...
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kurzzeitigen Trainingsmaßnahmen in Deutschland. Die Autoren verwenden die Methode des Propensity Score Matching und amtliche Daten …
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Der Aufsatz untersucht anhand von Mikrodaten aus der Beschäftigtenstatistik die Lohn- und Beschäftigungseffekte der Mindestlohnregelungen, die durch das Entsendegesetz für alle gewerblichen Arbeiter im deutschen Baugewerbe im Jahr 1997 in Kraft traten. Angewendet wird ein...
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German in-firm vocational training combines training on the job and learning in vocational schools. The so called 'dual system' absorbs roughly two thirds of German school leavers every year. After between two and four years of standardized training, it provides them with a generally accepted...
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