Showing 1 - 10 of 24
Seit vielen Jahren übersteigt die Nitratbelastung an knapp einem Fünftel der Grundwasser-Messstellen in Deutschland den Grenzwert von 50 Milligramm pro Liter. Neben der Beeinträchtigung des Ökosystems, zum Beispiel durch Eutrophierung von Gewässern, schädigt nitratbelastetes Trinkwasser...
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For many years now, nitrate concentrations have exceeded the trigger value of 50 milligrams per liter at nearly one-fifth of the groundwater sampling sites in Germany. Apart from impairing the ecosystem by, for example, causing eutrophication of water bodies, nitrate-polluted drinking water also...
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The effects of the climate crisis are worsening water shortages, not only in the Global South but also in Europe, for example in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. Due to inadequate pricing of surface and groundwater abstraction and a lack of regulatory instruments, water overuse is occurring in...
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Die Effekte der Klimakrise verschärfen die Wasserknappheit nicht nur im globalen Süden, sondern auch in unseren Breitengraden, beispielsweise in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg. Wegen unzureichender Bepreisung der Entnahme von Oberflächen- und Grundwasser beziehungsweise mangelnden...
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In this paper we present an international cross-country benchmarking analysis for utility regulation of France and Germany, the two largest electricity distribution countries in Europe. We examine the relative performance of 99 French and 77 German distribution companies operating within two...
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In this paper, we provide a comprehensive multivariate cointegration analysis of three parts of the steam coal value chain - export, transport and import prices. The analysis is based on a rich dataset of international coal prices; in particular, we combine data on steam coal prices with freight...
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We analyze the technical efficiency of German and Swiss urban public transport companies by means of SFA. In transport networks we might face different network structures or complexities, not observed, but influencing the production process. The unobserved factors are typically modeled as...
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This paper provides an empirical demonstration for a practical approach of efficiency evaluation against the background of limited data availability in some regulated industries. Here, traditional DEA may result in a lack of discriminatory power when high numbers of variables but only limited...
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This paper, which is one of the first to estimate productivity in retail electricity for a European country after liberalisation, analyses the effect of ownership and governance structure by using a unique dataset of German electricity retailers from 2003 to 2012. An innovative service...
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