Showing 1 - 10 of 43
We compare several econometric models of Western Europe, Central Europe, the United States, Canada and Mexico in order to analyze the impact of foreign trade and industry on development Regarding the positive effects of foreign trade it is important to notice that they are more due to the...
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Two of the main problems of many Latin American countries are poverty and low levels of expenditure on health. In many countries there has been little progress in this regard due to the lack of resources, and thus it is important to focus on the main policies that may improve Latin American...
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Analizamos la evolución del turismo hotelero en el período 2001-2008, en las regiones y provincias españolas, utilizando las estadísticas de pernoctaciones hoteleras como indicador. Presentamos una síntesis de resultados de varios modelos econométricos del turismo regional en España,...
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We analyze the evolution of sectoral production per inhabitant in EU countries during the period 2000-2005 with special focus in the 6 more populated countries, but although with reference to other European countries. The main aim of the study is to analyze the evolution of industrial...
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We analyse the impact of industry on non industrial production, as well as its effect on wages and employment in 6 OECD countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States for the period 1960-2012. Our approach to macro-econometric modelling have into account both...
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In this article we present an analysis of several socio-economic indicators related with quality of life, economic development, human capital, social capital and women participation in politics, management, labor and income. We present some econometric models which relate women income ratio with...
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En este estudio se analiza con detalle la evolución de la población de Galicia y sus perspectivas hasta el año 2011. Para eludir los escenarios más pesimistas y acercarnos a los más optimistas se precisa aumentar la tasa de natalidad en torno a un 20% y la tasa de empleo en torno a un 25%....
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Introduccion; evolucion ; indices de competitividad; modelos econometricos de exportacion manufacturera ; conclusiones ; referencias bibliograficas ; anexo. <p> Una versión actualizada de este documento está disponible gratuitamente en la serie de documentos "Economic Development" de la Asociación...</p>
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