Showing 1 - 10 of 24
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This paper deals with the effect-oriented regional development policy.
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This article presents reflections on the transposition of the private-sector concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) to the public sector.
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This chapter explores the history of financial management reform in Switzerland, both at the Federal and cantonal levels of government. The chapter first outlines the Swiss system of government and public sector organisation.(...)
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As far as reforms in the public sector in general and in government enterprises in particular are concerned, Switzerland is hardly in the vanguard of the OECD's most active countries. The reasons for this can be summarised as follows:(...)
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Wenig ist für Regierungen moderner Demokratien von grösserer Bedeutung, als gegenüber ihren Bürgern Rechenschaft über die von ihnen erbrachten Leistungen abzulegen. Die Nützlichkeit des sogenannten Performance Management ist daher unumstritten. Doch während in einigen Politikbereichen die...
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In an international context, public management arrangements differ significantly from country to country, but also regionally and locally. One reason for these differences may be differences in culture resulting in differing views of the state and its institutions. This may sound trivial, but it...
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This book is unique in that it explores public sector reform from a strategic management perspective. The authors whose work is represented in the book examine seven strategies for public management reform: (1) increases in accountability, (2) decentralization and delegation of authority and...
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Diese Dissertation setzt sich mit dem Informationsverhalten von Parlamentarierinnen und Parlamentariern auseinander. Sie untersucht im Besonderen die Rolle von Performance Informationen für Budgetentscheidungen. Die Dissertation besteht aus einer Einleitung, drei Artikeln und einem Schlussteil....
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