Showing 1 - 10 of 74
REPORT OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEVADA 129Ore-testing experiments on manganese-silver ore.Treatment of manganese-silver ore from San Fernando Claims, Patagonia, Arizona.War Minerals Report: Argentiferous Manganese Ore, Salvador Jline, Patagonia, Arizona.The Precious Metals Section developed general...
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SCHEDULE 4Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of Federal Funds for the Support of the Agricultural Extension Division for the FiscalYears 1943 and 1944Received from Treasurer of United States—Federal Capper-Ketcham $41,166.38Federal Smith-Lever and Bankhead-Jones..Additional cooperative...
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152 REPORT OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADASchedule 5a—ContinuedRoyal D. Hartung Estate Income:June 30, 1942, balance $0.00Receipts _ 960.00Expended _ $699.85June 30, 1944, cash on hand , 260.15$960.00 $960.00J. D. Layman Scholarship:June 30, 1942, total in fund $0.00Receipts _ 595.00Expended _...
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166REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADASCHEDULE 7Statement Showing Bonds in Possession of Board of Regents andFunds to Which They BelongClarence H. Mackay Endowment—600 shares coneumulative preferred stock Postal Telegraph Com¬ pany Nos. 1356 to 1361, inclusive. No P. V $600 On2,400 shares...
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iREPORT OF THE STATE AUDITOROffice of the State AuditorCarson City, Nevada, February 6, 1946. The Honorable Board of Regents, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. (jENTiiEMEN. The accouuts of the office of Comptroller of the Uni¬ versity of Nevada have been audited for the period beginning...
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OScHEnuLE No. 2—ContinuedPhilo 8. Bennett Endowment—U. S. Treasury Bonds, 1964-1969, 2i%... Rousseau Estate—•U. S. Treasury Bonds, 1964-1969, 2J%. . G. 0. Berz Memorial—U. S. Treasury Bond, 1967-1972, 2i% Rita Hope Winer Wom,ens' Relief Corp—U. S. Treasury Bonds, 1964-1969, 2*%-.U....
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REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 153SoHBDtri-E 5—Continued Recapitulation of Cash AnalysisDebit Credit BalanceTPnfiowment principal $6,302.48ISdowroent income «*5,503.76^ffts and prizes 18,384.68g'o"product?ve 27,264.83War service J,27d.lbJ'ederal funds Uillil 'Miscellaneous _...
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154REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEVADASchedule .5a—ContinuedPremedical, Prenursing Anony¬ mous Endowment: June 30, 1944, total in fund..Receipts - Invested -. June 30, 1946, cash on hand..$0.00 4,000.00Debit¦'"'edit4,000.00Premedical-Prenursing Anonymous Income:June 30, 1944, balance Receipts...
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156 REPORT OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADAScHEDXTLE 5a—ContinuedAnonymous Endowment Fund : Ti.i,i»June 30, 1944, total in fund $0.00 "''"' Crsi:,Receipts _ 11,094.33 ""'Invested _ $10,005.00Expended _ 1,098.17June 30, 1946, overdraft balance- 8.84 $8.84$11,103.17 $11,103.17 Goodfellow Loan Fund...
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164REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEVADASchedule 5e—Continued Station Sales Account, Fiscal Years July 1, 1944, to June so iqdRReceipts—Balance June 30, 1944 - Receipts -. ; *H.('l9.32i2.492,9^Expenditures— ^''9,512.29Personal service _ $6,931 53Travel - 2,386;i5Transportation of things...
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