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Die beiden Themenschwerpunkte werden zunächst in Teil A separat voneinander behandelt: · Corporate Identity und Corporate Image in Kapitel I,· E-.Business, einschließlich Internet als spezielles Medium in Kapitel II.Neben einer allgemeinen Grundlegung wollen wir insbesondere verdeutlichen,...
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Die Dissertation untersucht, wie Organisationen ein reputationsorientiertes Themen- und Issues-Management aufbauen, betreiben und weiterentwickeln können. Dazu wird das operative Modell des Issues Managements mit dem strategischen Zielkonstrukt Reputation verbunden.Zu Beginn der Arbeit...
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We use a laboratory gift-exchange game to examine decisions made by groups under three different procedures that dictate how group members interact and reach decisions in comparison to individuals acting alone. We find that group decisions do deviate from those of individuals, but the direction...
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We focus on the role that the transmission of information between a multilateral (the IMF) and a country has for the optimal design of conditional reforms. Our model predicts that when agency problems are especially severe, and/or IMF information is valuable, a centralized control is indeed...
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Using an open-ended contingent valuation survey, we analyze how (i) experience of a power outage due to one of the worst storms ever to hit Sweden and (ii) a cheap talk script affect respondents' WTP to avoid power outages. Experience significantly increases and a cheap talk script decreases the...
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This paper re-examines the role of labor-market competition as a determinant of attitudes toward immigration. We claim two main contributions. First, we use more sophisticated measures of the degree of exposure to competition from immigrants than previously done. Specifically, we focus on the...
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Sellers benefit on average from revealing information about their goods to buyers, but the incentive to exaggerate undermines the credibility of seller statements. When multiple goods are being auctioned, we show that ordinal cheap talk, which reveals a complete or partial ordering of the...
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We study a communication game of common interest in which the sender observes one of infinite types and sends one of finite messages which is interpreted by the receiver. In equilibrium there is no full separation but types are clustered into convex categories. We give a full characterization of...
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