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Evaluationsansätze auf Basis von Matchingverfahren werden heute weitgehend als superiores Instrument zur Bewertung der Wirksamkeit der Förderung beruflicher Weiterbildung angesehen. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt zu bedenken, dass solche Verfahren ungenaue Schätzergebnissen generieren, wenn eine...
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of university economics. The focus of the first two articles is on the evaluation of research output and research …
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In diesem Beitrag wird ein quantitatives Evaluierungsmodell für Multi-Level Marketingsysteme entwickelt. Das Verfahren erlaubt die Abbildungunterschiedlicher Unternehmensstrukturen, ausgehend von einemMitarbeiter-Akquisemodell. Die so gewonnene Struktur dient als Simulationsgerüst für...
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Within the EFONET Coordination Action, an analysis of the state of the art of energy foresight activities in the EU countries has beencarried out in order to assess the transferability of the “good practices” learnt from the national foresight experiences towards energyforesight on the...
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Economic evaluation has an important role in helping to make decisionsabout the use of scarce resources in an explicit … and rational manner, yeteconomic evaluation is not well-developed in many areas of socialwelfare. This paper looks at the … evaluation may not always be appropriate,because of the nature of many social welfare interventions and becauseevaluators need to …
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Erfolgsmessung – Modelle zur Evaluation von Kommunikation gibt esviele. Die meisten sind aber so kompliziert, dass …
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before its abolition.This was because there was no systematic evaluation of GP fundholding and the decision toabolish it was …
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This study appraises the delivery of a dedicated enterprise education module to a group of Polish students and evaluates its impact and effectiveness in encouraging previously nascent entrepreneurial activity. Current enterprise education debate questions the effective construction of...
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The theoretical contribution of this paper is to regard teachers’ evaluations with a prognostic claim aboutstudents’ future academic ability as a result of a special social situation in the classroom. We assume thatafter teachers have framed the social situation, particular scripts of action...
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Preference maps provide a visual representation of market structure, usually depicting brand or product alternatives, product attributes, and customers in a single graphic. Using measures of consideration and attribute sets to establish criterion validity, we develop a set of metrics that can be...
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