Showing 1 - 10 of 16
This report analyses the main developments in housing finance in the euro area in the decade, covering the period from 1999 to 2007. It looks at mortgage indebtedness, various characteristics of loans for house purchase, the funding of such loans and the spreads between the interest rates on...
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Im Zuge der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise ist die Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen und deren Implikationen in den Fokus der Debatte zwischen Öffentlichkeit, Politik und nicht zuletzt der Bauwirtschaft gerückt. Darüber hinaus sind Preise und Mieten im Wohnungsmarkt durch eine nicht hinreichende...
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Dieser Thünen Report untersucht Wohnstandortentscheidungen als im Lebensverlauf regelmäßig stattfindende Abwägungs- und Aushandlungsprozesse von Haushalten in Bezug auf einen subjektiv angemessenen Wohnstandort. Neben Wohnmobilität (d. h. Gemeindegrenzen überschreitende Wanderungen oder...
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With prices surging in major cities since 2010, the debate about a potential speculative bubble in the German housing market has been gaining momentum. Overall, however, the German housing market is sound. Neither an excess of construction, nor an excess of mortgage lending have been observed,...
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Do asset prices affect real activity? This question has taken on a new importance in recent years, as asset values first surged at the end of 1990s and, thereafter, dramatically retreated. This report reviews the available theoretical and empirical evidence regarding asset price and wealth...
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The European Union is currently making significant strides to lead on green finance and align its financial system with its climate, sustainability and clean energy ambitions. The Paris Climate Agreement, the G20 Green Finance Study Group and the G19 Hamburg Climate and Energy Action Plan have...
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Die Bundesregierung möchte im Rahmen des Mietrechtsanpassungsgesetzes die Modernisierungsumlage von 11 Prozent auf 8 Prozent sowie auf maximal 3 Euro je Quadratmeter senken, um Mieter vor starken Mietpreissteigerungen zu schützen. Modernisierungen des Wohnungsbestands sind notwendig und...
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Well-functioning risk-sharing arrangements are essential for the shock absorbing capacity and resilience of an economy, even more so for countries in a monetary union where the single monetary policy is unable to address asymmetric shocks. The common shocks that euro area member states have been...
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This paper reviews the experience of the ECB with the two-tier system for excess reserve remuneration that exempted a portion of banks' excess liquidity (EL) holdings from the negative interest rate of the ECB's deposit facility. The two-tier system aimed to support the bank-based transmission...
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This article surveys the literature on consumption risk sharing, focusing on the findings for the euro area and for the United States, but also presenting evidence for other countries. The literature examined found that risk sharing is higher in more mature federations, such as the United...
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