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processing trade between the EU and the CEEC, a form of intra-industry trade, is a notable feature of economic relations in …
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Gegenstand der Studie sind die Auswirkungen der geplanten EU-Osterweiterung auf die gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung im Freistaat, auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Bayern ansässiger Unternehmen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes, des Dienstleistungsgewerbes und des Baugewerbes, sowie auf die...
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The paper investigates the determinants of foreign currency borrowing by the private sector in the new member states of the European Union. We find that striking differences in patterns of foreign currency borrowing between countries are explained by the loan-to-deposit ratios, openness, and the...
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Emerging market economies were major beneficiaries of the economic boom before 2007. More recently, they have become victims of the global financial crisis. Their future development depends, to a large extent, on global economic prospects. Today the global economy and the European economy are...
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This paper observes rising unit values, prices per kilogram, of Central and Eastern European exports and argues that it is an evidence of actual rising product quality during the transition period. We arrive at this conclusion by applying a number of methods on a best available dataset for the...
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Summary The paper undertakes an empirical analytical assessment of some of the determinants of economic growth in the EU during the past decade, with a specific focus on the Central and Eastern European (CEE) members of the EU. The methodology is based on a combination of different statistical...
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Political economy literature acknowledges the importance of democratic learning and of fiscal rules in preventing politically driven deficits. This paper investigates the role of these factors for the Political Budget Cycles in the ten Central and East European (CEE) countries from 1990 to 2010....
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This paper estimates a bivariate VAR-GARCH (1,1) model to examine linkages between the stock market and economic growth in three CEEC countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland). The empirical findings suggest that there is unidirectional causality running from stock markets to growth in...
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Summary This paper analyses the speed and patterns of economic convergence in the new EU Member States of Central and Eastern Europe during transition and the first years of EU membership. After a brief discussion of measurement and data issues, the paper provides stylised facts on growth and...
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