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Using a sample of Harvard undergraduates, we analyze trust and social capital in two experiments. Trusting behavior and … questions about trust predict trustworthiness not trust. Only children are less trustworthy. People behave in a more trustworthy …
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and frequency of use of social networks, combined with a number of measures of general and domain-specific trust, which … are often used to gauge effective social capital. Using these measures we find that trust and social network size and use …
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political participation. We also show that strong family ties appear to be a substitute for generalized trust, rather than a … complement to it. These three constructs-civic engagement, political participation, and trust- are part of what is known as …
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model is that individuals in low trust countries want more government intervention even though the government is corrupt. We … government's role, as well as on changes in beliefs and in trust during the transition from socialism …
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transmission tends to be biased toward excessively conservative priors. As a result, societies can be trapped in a low-trust … equilibrium. In this context, a temporary shock to the return to trusting can have a permanent effect on the level of trust. We …
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regions. We find regions, where the level of confidence and trust is high, are more financially integrated with each other …
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welfare returns to investing in trust could be substantial. Using social trust data from 132 nations covered by the Gallup … World Poll, we present a range of estimates of social trust's wealth-equivalent values. The estimates of the wealth embodied …. These estimates reflect values above and beyond what social trust contributes to supporting incomes and health. Although …
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We provide a general framework for incorporating many types of micro data from summary statistics to full surveys of selected consumers into Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995)-style estimates of differentiated products demand systems. We extend best practices for BLP estimation in Conlon and...
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Open source is key to innovation, but we know little about how to incentivize it. In this paper, we examine the impact of a program providing monetary incentives to motivate innovators to contribute to open source. The Sponsors program was introduced by GitHub in May 2019 and enabled...
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There has been a recent surge of interest in open source software development, which involves developers at many different locations and organizations sharing code to develop and refine programs. To an economist, the behavior of individual programmers and commercial companies engaged in open...
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