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In der Folge von Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes und ihren Erben hat sich die Ökonomie unmerklich zur Ersatzreligion moderner Gesellschaften aufgeschwungen. Ihre Maximen und Schlüsselideen IBM von Nudging bis zum Trittbrettfahren IBM wirken sich heute direkt auf unsere...
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The fight against tax havens has caused some majordistortions in the relationship between Germanyand Switzerland. Similar to the approach used in theUnited States in the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, Germanyintensified its measures to prevent tax evasion byits own citizens starting with a German...
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Recently, some theological ethicists have criticized modern economics for offering a rival theology that undermines an … appreciation for creation and God’s gifts. In their view, through the logic of opportunity cost, economics substitutes a tragic … world of scarcity for God’s abundance. Further, the focus in economics on maximizing utility teaches us to be restless …
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Every Economics textbook today teaches that questions of values and morality lie outside of, are in fact excluded from …, the field of Economics and its proper domain of study, "the economy." Yet the dominant cultural and media narrative in … paradox by which Economics seems to have both everything and nothing to do with values? The discipline of modern economics …
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Verständigung zwischen Juristen und Ökonomen beitragen. Seine zentrale These besteht darin, dass Korruption als ein Ordnungsproblem … between law and economics. It claims that corruption is to be perceived as a constitutional problem of the economy and that …
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