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Wie zufriedensind Anwender mit ihrem Dienstleister, und was muss passieren, damitdie Beziehung zwischen beiden Parteien besser wird?
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This article aims to highlight eight implications presented by the demographic environment in the economic, social and cultural fields. More specifically, we will deal with how the ageing of the population, evident in the advanced countries, infers a set of threats related to: 1) The...
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Der demographische Wandel bietet Möglichkeiten zur Erschließung neuer Absatzmärkte für bedarfsgerechte Dienstleis-tungen im Alterssegment 50+. Mobile Technologien wie bspw. Near-Field-Communication (NFC) ermöglichen dabei die IT-Unterstützung innovativer Dienstleistungskonzepte, die den...
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Since 1972 the General Social Survey (GSS) has asked a representative sample of US adults "… [are] you…very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?" Overall, the population is reasonably happy even after a mild recent decline. I focus on differences along standard socio demographic...
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The aim of this study is to investigate the negative correlation between unemployment and life satisfaction in the 27 post-socialist countries. First, we measured the well-being cost of life satisfaction brought from pecuniary and non-pecuniary sources. In line with the previous literature, the...
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