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In the theoretical part of the final work international marketing, export and internationalization issues are analysed …
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Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - išsiaiškinti ar bendrovės idėja teikti įdarbinimo paslaugas Lietuvos piliečiams Norvegijoje būtų reali, perspektyvi, o svarbiausia – pelninga veikla. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojami - paslaugų marketingo ypatumai, paslaugų marketingo strategijos,...
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Baigiamajame magistro darbe „Efektyvaus ITT produktų plėtojimo tarptautinėse verslo rinkose apibendrinamojo modelio kūrimas“ nagrinėjamos informacinių technologijų ir telekomunikacijų (ITT) produktų eksporto potencialo neišnaudojimo priežastys. Dėmesys sutelkiamas minėtų...
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enterprise export possibilities and potential. The work provides the importance of the international business, international … operation types, the necessity of export market research and the assessment of the enterprise export development. Research … purpose: to analyse and assess export development of JSC „ELGA“. In the theoretical part of the paper it has been assessed …
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out in the company "Ruta”, according to studies carried out have been selected for the best export market for organic …
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Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje; investicinių fondų verslo internacionalizaciją įtakojantys veiksniai; tiriamos ir vertinamos Lietuvoje …
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The final master thesis deals with the issues of managing customer relationships in international banking. Problems characteristic in relationships management, the importance and benefits are described. It includes the study of main theories and methods for creating and managing customer...
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New technologies gives us possibility to step to new, more automated, level and to guarantee bigger efficiency. It requires comprehensive perfection and stepping to higher level. The ability of human being to analyze and process information flows is quite limited and requires big time recourses,...
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yra eksportas. Yra pastebima, kad eksportuojančios įmonės pasižymi didesniu produktyvumu, didesniu dydžiu, spartesniu … factors and export is one of them. It is noted that exporting firms have higher productivity, larger size, faster technology … and innovative development. The main object of this study is to investigate the impact of export's on productivity of …
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, determined FDI influence for these macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, export, unemployment rate, inflation. Partially approved … authors formulated the research hypothesis that FDI directly affect GDP growth and export expansion, but does not increase the …
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