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Trade is the oldest and most important form of inter-state economic relations. The present work deals with the international trade and the ways, forms, conditions and methods of its financing. Characteristics of international deals are also being dealt with together with the differences between...
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, sunkiai besivystanti ekonomika tik patvirtina faktą, kad ją kontroliuojanti politika nėra efektyvi. Kaip tik tokia situacija … Lietuvoje, kadangi po 2008 metais įvykusios pasaulinės finansų krizės Lietuvos ekonomika atsigauna, tačiau labai lėtai ir …
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Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe įvertinus UAB „Giftika“ plėtros galimybes, rengiamas investicinis projektas, bei vertinamas jo efektyvumas, rizika. Investicinio projekto pagrindą sudaro – įmonės savininkų investavimas į šį projektą nedaro neigiamos esminės finansinės įtakos...
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SANTRAUKA Valdas Lipskis AB „Panevėžio statybos trestas“ veiklos finansinių ataskaitų optimizavimas. Magistro darbas. Moksliniame tyrime darbo autorius sukūrė įmonių veiklos finansinių ataskaitų pagrindinių straipsnių rodiklių optimizavimo modelį. Įmonės veiklos finansinių...
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In this paper is analyzing influence of competition on company work. It is taken an example of “Septyni užraktai ir ko“ company. The theory of competition and competition environment is included. Types of market structure, their influence on company work and on price variation of goods is...
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The growth in the number and in the size of remittances and the stability of these monetary transfers have made them a prime target for policymakers. Because remittance flows go directly to households in emigrants' home countries, one has to wonder about their effects on household...
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This paper explores the impact of gender differences in the desire for sex and the distribution of power in the household on the onset of the demographic transition and the take-off to growth. Depending on the price and efficacy of modern contraceptives, the gender wage gap, and female...
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n this paper we determine the main driving forces underlying the structural transformation and urbanization process in rapidly industrializing countries. We use a dynamic, small open economy model with an abundant supply of surplus labor in rural areas, two types of traded goods manufactured in...
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This paper aims to collaborate with the discussion about the factors that try to explain the economic behavior in Latin America countries, considering the importance of some attributes related to social capital (ie interpersonal trust, which leads to association and civic commitment, performing...
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