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Nekilnojamojo turto rinka ir tinkamas jos funkcionavimas yra svarbus valstybės ekonomikos elementas. Pagrindinė rinkos funkcija - skirstyti ir perskirstyti nekilnojamajį turtą tarp savininkų. Tai yra ženklus indėlis į ekonominę gerovę, ypač besivystančioms šalims. Tokias...
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This master thesis presents an analysis of a development process of the Lithuanian real estate market. The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the influence of the selected determinants on the real estate market development in Lithuania, as a developing country, making a special focus on...
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The main goal of Master thesis is to analyze U.S. mortgage crisis and test its influence on the particular Lithuanian … market player, pointing the drop and stabilization of its financial indicators. To reach this goal mortgage crisis reasons …
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Šiame darbe siekiama ištirti marketingo veiklos pokyčius ekonominės recesijos laikotarpiu. Teorinių šaltinių analizėje pristatomas Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių požiūris į marketingą, analizuojami jų siūlymai, kaip reikėtų koreguoti marketingo veiklą ekonomikos nuosmukio metu,...
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In Lithuania, the real estate market has been growing fast in recent years. Such a speedy rise in the country‘s real estate market is being affected by several main factors: residents see the broad lending possibilities; the improving economic situation gives people greater hopes and...
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Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama Vilniaus miesto nekilnojamojo turto rinka. Šio darbo tikslas – nustatyti nekilnojamojo turto vertės tendencijas Vilniaus mieste, identifikuoti problemas ir pasiūlyti jų sprendimo modelį. Magistro darbe iškeliama nekilnojamojo turto vertės...
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Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje nekilnojamojo turto rinka sparčiai auga. Toks spartus šalies nekilnojamojo turto rinkos augimas yra įtakojamas keleto pagrindinių veiksnių: gyventojams atsivėrė plačios skolinimosi galimybės, gerėjanti ekonominė situacija suteikia žmonėms didesnių...
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Master’s thesis deals with world financial crisis impact upon development of real estate market in the Baltic States … estate market are systematized and summarized. Opinion of various authors that current financial market crisis was caused by … thesis assessment of the world financial crisis impact upon development of real estate market in the Baltic States is …
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The topic of this Master’s thesis is the Lithuanian real estate market and its influence on the country’s economy. The paper elaborates problematic issues of the real estate market: sudden changes, price and demand surges and decrease in supply; as well as influence of such factors as...
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economy were recorded in the year of 1999 (Russion crisis), year of 2002-2008 (major rise in the economy, the EU), second half … of 2008 (world financial crisis). Linear regression analysis revealed that corporate profitability, solvency credit, CPI …
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