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[...]This paper examines the operation of the U.S. labor marketin the 2001 recovery. Because the United States is in the middleof the recovery, ours is a real-time analysis; thus, someconclusions could change if the recovery stalls or employmentgrows suddenly. For instance, since August 2003,...
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[...]This paper examines the recent recession, with particularattention given to developments in the labor market and in UI program financing. Its three objectives are to describedevelopments in the macroeconomy and in the labor marketthat have relevance for UI funding issues, to present...
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„Hartz-Reformen“ umgesetzt worden waren.1Eines der Forschungsthemen waren Existenzgründungen aus Arbeitslosigkeit …
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Trotz zahlreicher Förderprogramme stehen viele, die den Sprung in die Selbständigkeit wagen wollen, vor schier unüberwindbaren Hindernissen. Besondershoch sind sie für Arbeitslose, denen oft die finanzielle Basis für eine Existenzgründung fehlt. In den USA werden diese und andere Barrieren...
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[...]In this article, we examine the wage-puzzle phenomenon ofthe 1990s. Specifically, we explore whether changes in paystructure can account for the behavior of CPH during thedecade. Labor markets have changed considerably over the pasttwenty years: workers today receive a higher portion of...
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In 1996, Congress passed the Personal Responsibility andWork Opportunity Reconciliation Act, or PRWORA, whichsubstantially restructured public assistance programs.PRWORA gave states almost entire discretion to design andoperate cash assistance programs for families with children,reducing the...
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[...]It seems clear that the Federal Reserve’s policy behavior overthe 1979:4-1982:3 period (which I refer to as the “earlyVolcker” period) differed from that of other periods.1 Thestated policy of the Federal Reserve during this period was tofocus more on monetary aggregates than it had...
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by unemployment insurance. The model features a detailedspecification of the tax and transfer system, including … unemployment insurance benefitswhich depend on an individual's employment and earnings history. The model also capturesthe … of unemployment insurance operationalized as a reduction in the entitlementperiod generates a larger increase in …
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Will outsourcing be a winner or loser from the global crisis? This sector has been a major beneficiary of the boom in business services trade since the mid-1990s, coinciding with the rise of emerging market economies. This growth survived – indeed was arguably a beneficiary of – the last...
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unemployment. We use this framework tostudy the employment eects of transforming a traditional welfare state, as is cur-rently in …
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