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This paper presents a discrete-time growth model to describe the dynamics of a multi-agent economy, and the model consists of production process, exchange process, price and technology adjustment processes etc. Technologies of agents in each period are represented by a technology matrix pair,...
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Using OECD input output matrices consistently, we offer a tentative solution to the mystery of missing trade. First, we confirm the usual rejection of factor price equalization and identical technologies. Second, we develop a new technique to compute the factor content of trade when countries'...
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In spite of elaborate descriptive and correlational studies, the most ubiquitous phenomenon in economics, namely inflation, has remained unexplained in terms of its mathematical origins. Keynes had attempted to relate inflation to a mechanism of "sticky wages and prices". Hitherto, such theories...
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Following the seminal work by Bullard and Sebald [Effects of Parametric Uncertainty and Technological Change on In put-Out put Models, Rev. of Ec. And Stat., vol. 59,75-81], in this paper we present an innovative approach to sensitivity analysis in Input-Out put model. In particular, we propose...
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The equilibrium analyses under the classical growth framework mainly concern production processes so far and the utility-maximization of consumers is left out of consideration. On the basis of the thoughts of the equilibrium analyses under the classical growth framework, some numerical examples...
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The exploration of the structural features and sectoral interdependences of and in an economy is fundamental for the understanding of its modes of functioning and of its transformations over time. Input-output analysis is largely used to fulfill this objective. Furthermore, information provided...
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Bródy András dolgozatában a zárt, dinamikus input-output modell egyensúlyi megoldásának három módszerét mutatja be. A három megoldás közül e dolgozat a klasszikus megoldást elemzi, amelyet Leontief is javasol. A megoldáshoz a sajátértékek meghatározásán át vezet az út,...
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A zárt (homogén) dinamikus modell egyensúlyi megoldásának három módszerét ismertetem. Mindhárom megoldás azonos növekedési rátához, valamint egyazon árés mennyiségi arányokhoz vezet. A folyó és tőkeráfordítási együtthatók adataival végzett eltérő műveletek miatt...
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A tanulmány a variációszámítás gazdasági alkalmazásaiból ismertet hármat. Mindhárom alkalmazás a Leontief-modellen alapszik. Az optimális pályák vizsgálata után arra keressük a választ, hogy az Euler-Lagrange-differenciálegyenlet rendszerrel kapott megoldások valóban...
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I address the issue of the 'number' of International Monetary Equilibria that the international finance model of Geanakoplos and Tsomocos (2002) possesses. The mainstream competitive model has locally unique equilibria with respect to the real side of the economy; however, it manifests nominal...
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