Showing 1 - 10 of 69
In Deutschland ist jedes fünfte Kind arm, in Großbritannien fast jedes dritte. Alleinerziehende und deren Kinder haben … ein besonders hohes Armutsrisiko. In Großbritannien leben etwa 15 % aller Kinder bei Alleinerziehenden, in Westdeutschland …
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Kinder gemeinsam großziehen, wird immer wieder kontrovers diskutiert. In der Öffentlichkeit wird häufi g vermutet, dass … Diskussion, dass Kinder Alleinerziehender und in Patchworkfamilien nicht genügend soziales Verhalten lernen würden und deshalb … Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) kann für Kinder, die in Deutschland von 1966 bis 1986 geboren wurden, methodisch …
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allem Kinder in Alleinerziehenden-Haushalten und Haushalten mit nicht-erwerbstätigem Haushaltsvorstand dauerhaft arm …
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This paper compares child poverty dynamics cross-nationally using panel data from seven nations: the USA, Britain, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Hungary and Russia. As well as using standard relative poverty definitions the paper examines flows into and out of the poorest fifth of the children?s...
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We provide evidence that living with an unmarried mother during childhood raises smoking propensities for young adults in Germany.
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We examine the impact of family income during childhood on the type of secondary school that German children attend, a good indicator of their lifetime socioeconomic attainment. By contrast with several US child outcome studies, we find that late-childhood income is a more important determinant...
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We examine the impact of family income during childhood on the type of secondary school that German children attend, a good indicator of their lifetime socioeconomic attainment. By contrast with several US child outcome studies, we find that late-childhood income is a more important determinant...
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We examine the impact of family income during childhood on the type of secondary school that German children attend, a good indicator of their lifetime socioeconomic attainment. By contrast with several US child outcome studies, we find that late-childhood income is a more important determinant...
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