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applied to an Euler equation model of firm investment behaviour with imperfectly competitive product markets for a small panel …
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In this paper the standard Euler equation investment model with imperfectly competitive product markets is extended for … imperfectly competitive structures on the factor markets: labour markets and markets for investment goods. This extension leads to …
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Multivariate Tobit models are estimated using German cross-sectional data to test whether strategic complementarities exist between expenditures in four different types of ICT-components. If two ICT-components are complements, they are correlated (provided that agents act rationally)....
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Der Beitrag untersucht, inwieweit hinter der oft konstatierten Investitionsschwäche der europäischen Wirtschaft eine Strukturverschiebung von materiellen zu immateriellen Investitionen steht. Da letztere nur zum Teil unter den Investitionsbegriff der Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung...
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2003 to 2012. We examine the impact of service- and facility-based competition on firm-level investment as well as the … strategic effects underlying infrastructure investment decisions. At the same time we explicitly model the structural dynamics … of broadband investment by means of a flexible accelerator model. The empirical specification employs dynamic panel …
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In the context of yardstick regulation with long-lived assets, the influence of heterogeneous investment cycles on the …-line) depreciation given heterogeneous investment and cost cycles will cause instantaneous yardstick levels below the long …
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most relevant regulatory measures – that is, co-investment models as well as different types of access regulation - we … step into the right direction, the expected effects on investment incentives as well as substantial implementation …
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of energy-related topics, and the investments in energy saving technologies. A better understanding of firms' investment … statistically significant positive relationship with investment decisions on energy saving technologies for production processes and …
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This study investigates the effects of an R&D subsidy scheme on participating firms' net R&D investment. Making use of … public subsidies induce higher additional investment particularly in research where market failures are larger, even when the …
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investment is made by a foreign investor, cross-border taxation has a significant impact on the overall tax burden. In any of the … 29.2% and at 32.8% in case of a US investor. Meanwhile, tax incentives for the stimulation of private investment reduce …
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