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unemployment level at which such preferences are satisfied Using a panel of 20 OECD countries over 1985-2008, we find employment …We read search theory's unemployment equilibrium condition as an Iso-Unemployment Curve(IUC).The IUC is the locus of … job destruction rates and expected unemployment durations rendering the same unemployment level. A country's position …
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nation’s 2000-01 economic crisis. Higher growth could reduce unemployment and raise living standards toward European Union …
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Staff Discussion Notes showcase the latest policy-related analysis and research being developed by individual IMF staff and are published to elicit comment and to further debate. These papers are generally brief and written in nontechnical language, and so are aimed at a broad audience...
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particular demographic groups. These developments can largely be accounted for by worse matching of people to jobs in the high-unemployment … employment growth, in contrast to the United States where initial labor demand shocks are expanded in the long run. After the …
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increase growth and employment are studied. From a cross-country approach, this study finds a significant relationship between …
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Belgium has effected a remarkable fiscal adjustment, best illustrated by the decline in its public debt. While benefiting from an appreciable decline in interest rates, most of the underlying consolidation reflected a considerable increase in the tax burden, one of the highest in the...
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The key findings of Republic of Armenia’s Second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper are reviewed. Macroeconomic and fiscal framework has been completely revised, taking into account the 2007 outcomes, tendencies developed during 2008, and challenges, particularly the projected increase of...
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-sector employment rates or unemployment rates on two measures of public-sector employment point to full crowding out. This means that …We quantify the extent to which public-sector employment crowds out private-sector employment using specially assembled … Middle East, North Africa, Caucasus and Central Asia. These countries simultaneously display high unemployment rates, low …
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governance. It reviews the employment issues and trends in the budget framework, and also analyzes the implementation, monitoring …
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In this study, economic developments and policies used for the recovery of financial stability of Sweden against global recession are discussed. The low inflation is reached by increasing Riksbank policy rate. The role of fiscal policy council is explained. The Financial Sector Assessment...
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