Showing 1 - 10 of 247
Die monetäre Umverteilung durch das Steuer- und Transfersystem führt insgesamt dazu, dass die Nettoeinkommen in Deutschland deutlich gleichmäßiger verteilt sind als die Markteinkommen. So sinkt der Gini-Koeffizient von 0,5 für die Markteinkommen auf 0,29 für die verfügbaren...
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The aim of this paper is to estimate income advantages arising from publicly provided education and to analyse their impact on the income distribution in Germany. Using representative micro-data from the SOEP and considering regional and education-specific variation, from a cross-sectional...
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The analyses of wealth inequality based on survey data usually suffer from undercoverage of the upper percentiles of the very wealthy. Yet given this group’s substantial share of total net worth, it is of particular relevance. As no tax data are available in Germany, the largest fortunes can...
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Most of the available comparative empirical evidence on levels and trends in income inequalities and poverty in OECD countries relies on the concept of household disposable cash income, thus ignoring the services governments provide to households. Including those services matters a lot, however,...
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Die Bundesregierung plant einen "Regierungsdialog Rente", um dem Thema Altersarmut mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu sichern. Vor diesem Hintergrund legt das DIW Berlin neueste Analysen zur Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland auf Basis der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) vor. Sie zeigen, dass...
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Since 2000, the individual monthly payments from the Germany Statutory Pension Insurance Scheme (GRV) to new male pensioners have been declining. Those entering retirement today receive an average of 7 percent less than those who retired ten years ago. At the same time, the number of recipients...
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New analyses of personal income distribution in Germany, based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), show that real market income in private households rose significantly from 2005 to 2010. An increase in real disposable income was also observed. At the same time, income...
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According to current analyses based on the Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), the total net assets of German households in 2012 amounted to 6.3 trillion euros. Almost 28 percent of the adult population had no or even negative net worth. On average, individual net worth in 2012 totaled more than...
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New analyses of personal income distribution in Germany, based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), show that real market income in private households rose significantly from 2005 to 2010. An increase in real disposable income was also observed. At the same time, the...
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Die Lebensläufe der deutschen Babyboomer (geboren zwischen 1956 und 1965) unterscheiden sich deutlich von denen vorangegangener Kohorten. Insgesamt zeigt sich eine zunehmende Vielfalt der Erwerbsverläufe. Insbesondere in Ostdeutschland sind diese von Brüchen geprägt, mit häufigeren oder...
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