Showing 1 - 10 of 91
, und gegeben die Defizite bürokratischer Sozialpolitik, werden die theoretischen wie praktischen Möglichkeiten der römisch …
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Drei große Reformenpakete und eine Reihe kleinerer Begleitmaßnahmen prägen das renten¬politische Erbe der rot-grünen Bundesregierung. Einerseits greifen sie Trends in der Reformpolitik seit Beginn der 90er Jahre auf. So verstärkt die Rentenstrukturreform 2001 beispielsweise die...
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Darbo rinkos problemos, kurias sprendžia Kauno TDB, yra viena iš svarbiausių socialinių sričių, tačiau vis dar nepakankamai žinoma, apie šios srities paslaugas. Taigi kyla klausimas, ar Kauno TDB teikia kokybiškas paslaugas? Ar yra galimybė pasiekti didesnį paslaugų efektyvumą?...
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Magistro baigiamajame darbe, atitinkant išsikeltą tikslą, išanalizuotos Lietuvos ir kitų Europos Sąjungos šalių išlaidos viešosioms paslaugoms, jų struktūra. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje atlikta lyginamoji mokslinės literatūros analizė paslaugų sektoriaus tematika, pagrįsta tiriama...
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Full-text of this article is not available in this e-prints service. This article was originally published following peer-review in Information Resources Management Journal, published by and copyright I G I Global.
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This study aims to analyze the quality of public services in the archipelago. Public services in the archipelago are not getting much attention from the government; the problem is limited access to public services. The method is used in this study is a qualitative method. Access is an important...
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Outsourcing can be defi ned as the delivery of public services by the private sector. The sign of the effect of outsourcing on public spending is ambiguous ex-ante. While outsourcing may reduce public spending through higher competition in the private sector, it may also increase public spending...
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Summary of Banco de España Working Paper no. 1939
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Australia is an express factor in determining unconscionability in contract formation and performance. Certainty is essential to … to in making the contract. Discretion, if it is too wide, may no longer represent the true intentions of the parties, but … franchise contract synergistically reinforce these conditions. This paper tests that theory by evaluating balance of power and …
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