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In this paper we provide new estimates of the impact of unions on nonunion wage setting. We allow the presence of unions to affect nonunion wages both through the typically discussed channel of nonunion firms emulating union wages in order to fend off the threat of unionisation and through a...
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In this paper we look at the income distribution by cohort in Chile. We construct a synthetic panel from cross section …
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Using household surveys that cover more than 50 years of the political and economic history of Chile, we investigate … changes in the shape of the distribution of income in Chile, and in the composition of top 10% and top 1% incomes. In line … correspond approximately with different economic policy regimes prevailing in Chile. We observe important changes in the …
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This study measures the impact of changes in the income determinants on inequality in the 1990 to 2003 period, in order to answer the question of why income distribution as a whole has not changed. The methodology utilized are micro-simulations of income distribution, which is the most...
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Since the 1970s, Chile has exhibited a highly skewed income distribution accompanied with strong fluctuations over time … 1990s, resulting from better economic and social policies in the return to democracy. Nonetheless, Chile still faces … significant challenges to improve development. There must be an active macroeconomic policy focused on the real economy. Chile …
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This paper reviews Finland's growth strategy in the postwar decades. Finland was able to initiate an impressive mobilization of resources during this period, reflected mostly in a high rate of capital accumulation for manufacturing industries. This was achieved by an unorthodox combination of...
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-Reformvarianten in Deutschland auf die Einkommensverteilung auswirken würde, und wer die Gewinner und Verlierer dieser Reformvarianten …
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Finanzkrise auf die Ungleichheit. Unter der Annahme, dass sich diese als (negativer) exogener Wachstumsschock manifestiert, ist zu …
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Die Wahl einer passenden Äquivalenzskala ist Voraussetzung für Vergleiche der Einkommensverteilung ökonomischer … Wohlfahrt, Ungleichheit und Armut. Dies gilt vor allem für länderspezifische Analysen und/oder für länderübergreifende …
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Einkommensverteilung, zur Ungleichheit und zur Armut. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier stellt Äquivalenzskalen auf der Basis von Konsum …
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