Online-Ressource, (59 S., 1,07 MB)
Working paper series / European Central Bank. - Frankfurt, M. : European Central Bank, ISSN 1725-2806, ZDB-ID 2123559-4. - Vol. 1058
Type of publication: Book / Working Paper
Type of publication (narrower categories): Arbeitspapier ; Working Paper ; Graue Literatur ; Non-commercial literature
Language: English
Other identifiers:
hdl:10419/153492 [Handle]
Classification: E50 - Monetary Policy, Central Banking and the Supply of Money and Credit. General ; E58 - Central Banks and Their Policies ; J50 - Labor-Management Relations, Trade Unions, and Collective Bargaining. General ; J51 - Trade Unions: Objectives Structure, and Effects
ECONIS - Online Catalogue of the ZBW
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10003866562