Type of publication: Book / Working Paper
Type of publication (narrower categories): Working Paper
Language: English
Other identifiers:
10.5445/IR/1000021193 [DOI]
641985029 [GVK]
hdl:10419/43714 [Handle]
RePEc:zbw:kitwps:13 [RePEc]
Classification: C12 - Hypothesis Testing ; C13 - Estimation ; C31 - Cross-Sectional Models; Spatial Models ; H57 - Procurement ; K23 - Regulated Industries and Administrative Law ; L16 - Industrial Organization and Macroeconomics; Macroeconomic Industrial Structure; Industrial Price Indices ; L92 - Railroads and Other Surface Transportation: Autos, Buses, Trucks and Water Carriers ; R32 - Other Spatial Production and Pricing Analysis ; R48 - Government Pricing; Regulatory Policies
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