Showing 1 - 10 of 69
Der Vortrag wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten und live im Internet übertragen. Der Videomitschnitt kann wenige Tage nach der Veranstaltung in der Mediathek angesehen werden. Link zum ifo Liveplayer:
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Mit dem Ziel, bis 2045 klimaneutral zu werden, ist Deutschland ambitionierter als alle anderen G-20-Staaten. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, bedarf es einer tiefgreifenden Transformation der Wirtschaft, die mit enormen Investitionen einhergehen muss. Ein Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist die Finanzierung...
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The Digital Development Dialogue (3D) seminar is a monthly 45-minute online forum for policy and research exchange. Two speakers – one researcher and one practitioner – touch upon key topics in development policy with the goal of stimulating a meaningful dialogue across the theory & practice...
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Doctoral supervision is becoming an important challenge for many institutions delivering management education at the doctoral level. The emergence of a global market for recruiting of Faculty members makes the quality of doctoral education and doctoral supervision in Management and Business...
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Finding good and creative research ideas is a struggle for many PhD students early in their academic career. Some will find it difficult to find the right research question for their PhD, others will stop ideating after their first idea, and some will have many ideas but do not know which one to...
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The School, a one-day event, will take place on the day before the start of the Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe) in Valencia. The lectures will be given by Christopher Rauh (University of Cambridge) and Michael Weber (University of Chicago Booth School of Business on the...
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Seit 1992 veranstaltet die Gesellschaft in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Statistischen Bundesamt das Wiesbadener Wissenschaftliche Kolloquium zu speziellen Fragestellungen der Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik. Die jährlich statt­findenden Kolloquien bieten ein Forum für den Dialog zwischen amtlicher...
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The German Socio-Economic Panel Study is a representative panel study for the German population, collecting data on a broad variety of topics of everyday life, including general wellbeing, household composition, educational aspirations and educational status, income and occupational biographies,...
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Thematic Workshops: Workshop 1 – Areas of concern and proposals for less unequal worlds Workshop 2 – Unequal access to “invisible or online” education for those who already suffered from unequal access to “visible or in-person” education Workshop 3 – The Pandemic and the growing...
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Lightning talks: - Tee Lip Hwe, Singapore Management University Libraries “Virtualisation of SMU Investment Studio” - Josep Soler Teixidor, Library Director, Esade Business School „Virtual Reality at Esade Library: Let’s start!“ - Dr. Ramin Nassehi, Lecturer (Teaching) in Economics,...
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EconBiz Events on Mastodon Mastodon
In cooperation with "Conference and Meeting Resources" of the American Economic Association (AEA) Logo of AEA