Find relevant publications quickly
With EconBiz you search for scholarly literature quickly and professionally:
- For students, researchers and teachers EconBiz offers orientation and help in the search for articles, working papers, e-books and more.
- Result lists can be sorted according to relevance or date.
- A variety of filter options help you find the relevant titles more quickly.
- Individual support helps you with the search for and access to the full text.
- The integrated Thesaurus for Economics (STW) helps with topic searches by e.g. including synonyms in the search.
What does EconBiz offer?
In EconBiz, you can find:
- A literature search across important German and international databases, including the holdings of ZBW
- Access to free and licensed full texts on the internet
- A calendar of events for scholarly conferences and summer schools
- The reference service Research Guide EconDesk which answers your questions about the search for literature and statistical data.
- The section Research skills with learning resources such as the online tutorial Guided Walk or the Academic Career Kit for Early Career Researchers.
Keep yourself up-to-date about new features in our news section. Introductory presentations on EconBiz are available in our download area.
EconBiz is a service of ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.
Please contact the EconBiz Team if you have any questions.
EconBiz or Google Scholar?
In the paper What Google Scholar can(’t) do: Comparison of the scholarly search in EconBiz and Google Scholar you can find some good reasons for using more than just Google Scholar for your scholarly literature search.
The topics discussed:
- The search interface of Google Scholar provides only few options to control a topical search.
- Google Scholar includes huge quantities of full-texts and references of all subject areas. The result lists of subject specific databases might be more precise.
- With its ranking, Google Scholar influences which search results are displayed. The sorting is not transparent and cannot be changed.
- Google Scholar is led by commercial interests. It is important that publicly funded search tools provide alternatives in the access to information.
- Google doesn’t always respect privacy and copyright laws.
EconBiz was set up as a joint project of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics and the University and City Library of Cologne (USB Köln). During the start-up phase the project was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Since 2013 EconBiz is a service of ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.
Find out more in our Publications section.