EconBiz for teaching
Here you can find:
- full texts that are freely available for your students to download directly to their computers
- articles from the journals Wirtschaftsdienst (German) and Intereconomics (English) on current topics that are easy to understand and can be used to teach current subjects to beginners
These features make your work easier:
- Provide your students with Write your best paper – a guide to academic writing for economics and business students as a printed or PDF guide.
- Use our interactive teaching materials that you can integrate directly into your learning management system or course environment. The materials include information and exercises on searching literature, assessing publication quality, and avoiding plagiarism. For advanced students, early career researchers and phds we have information on Publish your Paper, Metrics and Networking and Research Data Management in our Academic Career Kits.
- Join our community for teaching staff and experts in information literacy / research training (in German) to network, share experiences and follow discussions on our mailing list.
- Check out our links to open resources, including free textbooks and case studies for teaching economics and business studies.