Academic Career Kits

You are an Early Career Researcher (ECR)? Use our OER-Toolkits (under CC-BY license):

Learn more about finding a journal for publication, open access, predatory journals, your copyright as an author, social media in academics, enhancing your visbility, networking, tools for sharing and co-writing or research data management.

Academic Career Kit #1: Publish your Paper


This material is an Open Educational Resource (OER) under a CC-BY license: Embed it into your website or download the H5P-file to make changes (more information).

Academic Career Kit #2: Metrics and Networking


This material is an Open Educational Resource (OER) under a CC-BY license: Embed it into your website or download the H5P-file to make changes (more information).

Disclaimer: Logos of online services, databases, and companies that are displayed are not licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Academic Career Kit #3: Research Data Management


This material is an Open Educational Resource (OER) under a CC-BY license: Embed it into your website or download the H5P-file to make changes (more information).

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