Showing 1 - 10 of 97
Ziel der Dezembertagung ist es, aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema, beispielhafte regionale/kommunale Lösungs-ansätze vorzustellen und deren Bedeutung für die Bewältigung der vielfältigen Herausforderungen in den hier ausgewählten Teilmärkten zu diskutieren. Schwerpunkte der Tagung:...
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Gesucht wird nach Beiträgen, die sich den Fragen widmen, welche unterschiedlichen Wirtschaftsprozesse unter dem Schlagwort der Digitalisierung verhandelt werden, wie Männer und Frauen diese auf verschiedene Art und Weise gestalten und nach welchen Logiken und in wessen Interesse dies...
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The conference will emphasise three major themes. In recent years, technological innovation has transformed the financial services industry at a rapid pace, and further disruption of the traditional financial sector is envisaged. Therefore, the first theme will feature papers offering different...
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Topics: - Job flows, the Beveridge curve and mismatch - Adjustment to new technologies and globalisation - Demographics: aging, female participation and migration - Wage adjustments - Resilience to shocks.
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The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from a broad range of economic disciplines to present and discuss ongoing research leveraging data sets made possible through the digitization of economic activity. The conference will have a focus on work at the intersection of...
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The conference aims to bring together scholars and practitioners working on the broad theme of economic and social inclusion in South East Europe to present their latest research findings on these issues. Contributions are welcome from a wide range of disciplines including all branches of...
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The conference welcomes academics, as well as corporate or government economists. The conference theme: Global Economy after 2020: Emerging Economies, Growth and Population. - Plenary Session 1: " Emerging Economies " - Plenary Session 2: " Growth and Population in Emerging and Advanced Economies "
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Human migration is a central concern for citizens, policy makers and businesses in both origin and destination countries. This conference seeks proposals that analyze the implications of migration policy for growth, inequality, and welfare. Topics: - the distributional impact of past or proposed...
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Mobility is a key problem in Economic and Social History. Regardless of the period under analysis, people circulate, carrying with them commodities, capital, ideas, languages, traditions. They circulate to survive, to trade, to explore, to conquer, to migrate, and also for leisure. These...
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The ZEW Network on Real Estate Markets and Capital Markets (ReCapNet) focuses on the interactions between real estate markets and capital markets. The main theme of the conference will be “Real Estate Asset Pricing”. We solicit papers on these and related areas at the intersections of real...
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