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The conference will discuss the impacts of Transportation on socio-economic systems, the negative impacts such as congestion, pollutions, accidents, and mobility gaps, and the positive impacts such as achieving economical development, improving sustainability, health, and enhance life styles.
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Nach der COP 22 in Marrakesch möchten wir mit Ihnen die von dort ausgehenden klimapolitischen Signale deuten und einordnen. Welche Fortschritte bei zentralen Themen und Prozessen gab es? Reicht die Dynamik aus, um das vereinbarte Ziel der Begrenzung der Erderwärmung auf unter 2° zu erreichen?...
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Im Frühjahr 2016 ist das deutsche Vergaberecht an die neuen europarechtlichen Grundlagen angepasst worden. Die Änderungen betreffen unter anderem die Kriterien, die einer Ausschreibung zugrunde gelegt werden dürfen. So ist erstmals die Festlegung auf ökologische und soziale Kriterien nicht...
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The T20 is a network of Think Tanks from G20 countries and serves as an "ideas bank" for the G20. For this purpose, T20 organizes the collaboration of global think tanks and high-level experts in order to provide analytical depth to ongoing G20 discussions and produce ideas to help the G20 on...
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The main objective of the seminar is to discuss how the work of UNECE and OECD on industrial and chemical accidents prevention, preparedness and response can contribute to achieving the sustainable development agenda, in particular the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030...
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Tema del Congreso: "El desarrollo de la conciencia, las economías ecológicas y la búsqueda de una vida sustentable". El tema del Congreso surge de las preocupaciones expuestas en torno a la desconexión generalizada entre el ser humano y la naturaleza. El cambio hacia una sociedad...
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Topics: - What are possible effects of environmental risks (e.g. climate change) and policies to mitigate them (e.g. carbon taxes) on central bank objectives (e.g. price and financial stability)? Through which transmission channels do these effects emerge? What roles might the financial system...
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The EfD network invites submission of full draft papers on topics related to environmental and resource economics in developing countries and relevant EfD themes.
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The conference organisers solicit submissions of papers whose novelty stems from the development and introduction of new econometric methods to models of climate change, while at the same time ensuring that the way these econometric tools are applied take into account the underlying physics of...
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The main theme of the conference is “Inclusive and Sustainable Growth and Income Distribution”. The conference aims to generate a debating ground for economists from around the world through invited and contributed sessions.
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