Showing 1 - 10 of 14
Der Vortrag wird in deutscher Sprache gehalten und live im Internet übertragen. Der Videomitschnitt kann wenige Tage nach der Veranstaltung in der Mediathek angesehen werden. Link zum ifo Liveplayer:
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Mit dem Ziel, bis 2045 klimaneutral zu werden, ist Deutschland ambitionierter als alle anderen G-20-Staaten. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, bedarf es einer tiefgreifenden Transformation der Wirtschaft, die mit enormen Investitionen einhergehen muss. Ein Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist die Finanzierung...
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Thematic Workshops: Workshop 1 – Areas of concern and proposals for less unequal worlds Workshop 2 – Unequal access to “invisible or online” education for those who already suffered from unequal access to “visible or in-person” education Workshop 3 – The Pandemic and the growing...
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Climate change is one of the greatest economic challenges of our time. Given the scale of the problem, the question of whether a carbon tax should be introduced is hotly-debated in policy circles. This paper studies the design of a carbon tax when environmental factors, such as air...
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Most but not all economists view carbon pricing as most effective to combat carbon emissions, whereas other policies are widely applied and highly debated. The paper presented in this ZEW QUEST Seminar quantifies the effectiveness of climate policies in the form of pricing carbon and subsidizing...
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This is the first of three webinars in our series how (model) uncertainty shapes our understanding of the macroeconomic impacts of climate change and climate mitigation policies. “The design and conduct of climate change policy necessarily confronts uncertainty along multiple fronts. We...
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This policy panel will conclude our trilogy on the links between climate change and inflation. Our panelists will discuss the recent evidence of climate change and mitigation policies driving price levels and ask: are central banks in the position to act against these growing pressures? And what...
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The Digital Development Dialogue (3D) seminar is a monthly 45-minute online forum for policy and research exchange. Two speakers – one researcher and one practitioner – touch upon key topics in development policy with the goal of stimulating a meaningful dialogue across the theory & practice...
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Donata Faccia, Miles Parker, and Livio Stracca, in their paper investigate how extreme temperatures affect medium-term inflation, the primary objective of monetary policy.
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The E-axes Forum is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization on macroeconomic policies and sustainability. The Forum is dedicated to aggregating knowledge from around the globe with the aim to catalyze the engagement of economists and decision makers who are working on...
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