Showing 1 - 10 of 32
Sessions : - Energy Market - Recession in India - Economic and Financial Crisis in India - Economic Recession and Globalization - Globalization, Financial Markets, Stocks and Mutual Funds in India - Financial Markets, Stocks and Mutual Funds - Financial Economics and Kautilya’s Views -...
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We encourage submissions of theoretical and empirical papers addressing issues including: - Sources of asset price fluctuations: fundamentals and bubbles - Asset prices, financial frictions and the amplification/propagation of shocks - Interactions between financial and labour-market frictions -...
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The reform process triggered by the recent financial crisis is gradually making progress. Advances are underway in the area of banking regulation, accounting standards, and market infrastructure (e.g. clearing houses for derivatives, etc.). A new framework for macroprudential policy is also...
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Ist die weltweite Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise ein singuläres Ereignis? Nein, findet Werner Plumpe. Wirtschaftskrisen gehören zu unserer Wirtschaftsordnung. Vor allem die Krisen des 19. Jahrhunderts zeigen Parallelen zur aktuellen Lage. Welche Schlüsse lassen sich aus diesem Befund...
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Ist die weltweite Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise ein singuläres Ereignis? Nein, findet Werner Plumpe. Wirtschaftskrisen gehören zu unserer Wirtschaftsordnung. Vor allem die Krisen des 19. Jahrhunderts zeigen Parallelen zur aktuellen Lage. Welche Schlüsse lassen sich aus diesem Befund...
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The organizers welcome submissions of a theoretical or empirical nature related to the theme of the conference. Suitable topics include (but are not limited to): - Dynamic general equilibrium models with financial intermediaries - Financial intermediaries and boom-bust cycles - Bank capital and...
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In the wake of the financial and banking crisis, virtually all industrialized countries have experienced a very severe economic recession during the years 2008 and 2009, sometimes referred to as the Great Recession. Several stylized facts have been put forward during this Great Recession such as...
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Theoretical and empirical papers on the measurement and analysis of economic insecurity and vulnerability, and the implications for economic growth, well-being and policies, are solicited.
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DEr Workshop soll ein Forum für den Austausch und die Diskussion von aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen aus dem Bereich der Makroökonomik bieten und gleichzeitig zur besseren Vernetzung der Konjunkturforschung beitragen. Willkommen sind Vortragsangebote aus allen Teilgebieten der Makroökonomik....
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We invite empirical and theoretical submissions, which relate to the Workshop theme of "Crises, Institutions and Labour Market Performance: Comparing Evidence and Policies". Papers offering a comparative perspective are encouraged though selection will be primarily based on quality.
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