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This year’s theme will focus on the integration and implications of AI/ML in the economics and management of crime and justice. Other suggested topics include: • Racial bias in the justice system • Social prevention of crime and violence • Early childhood interventions • Law...
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The 5th Annual Conference on European Studies: Europe in Unchartered Territories brings together economists and political scientists to address European socio-economic issues, with the objective of contributing to the evaluation and design of institutions and policies in and for Europe. This...
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An der Tagung werden aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und praktische Erfahrungen zur Transformation der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft im Kontext von mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung von Wertschöpfungsketten präsentiert und diskutiert. Insbesondere stehen ökonomische,...
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The main objective of the conference is to provide a platform for economists working in the field of ‘International Economics’ to present recent research. Papers from Ph.D. students, young faculty members and young researchers in similar positions are particularly welcome as the conference...
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We invite PhD students and those who have recently received their PhD with a strong link to Switzerland to submit a paper to be presented at this workshop. Papers can be in any field of economics or related social sciences.
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Authors are invited to submit theoretical and applied papers in energy and environmental economics.
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The main objective of the conference is to provide a platform for economists working in the field of ‘International Economics’ to present recent research. Papers from Ph.D. students, young faculty members and young researchers in similar positions are particularly welcome as the conference...
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We invite PhD students and those who have recently received their PhD with a strong link to Switzerland to submit a paper to be presented at this workshop. Papers can be in any field of economics or related social sciences.
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The purpose of the 2022 Winter School is to present methods for studying environmental and resource economics in a natural resource wealth and economic growth framework, along with current results regarding the history of natural resources and economic development, the role of political...
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Das mit prominenten Vertretern aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft besetzte Podium widmet sich der Frage, wie es nach der Corona-​Krise mit der Globalisierung weitergeht. Wird es als Lehre aus der weltweiten Pandemie eine Rückkehr zu Isolation und Protektionismus geben? Oder zeigen gerade die...
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