Showing 1 - 10 of 27
The conference is structured around the key functional areas of financial intermediation and corporate finance, hence any work that falls within these research realms is welcome. The conference objective is to help stimulate and promote academic activity in the relevant areas and to encourage...
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The workshop organizers invite researchers to submit empirical papers covering issues in all areas linking banking and institutions. Possible topics include but are not limited to the following: - political economy of banking - financial stability - institutional underpinnings of financial...
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The workshop organizers invite researchers to submit empirical papers covering all areas of banking and finance in emerging markets. Possible topics include but are not limited to the following: - banking and institutions; - political economy of banking; - financial stability in emerging...
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The organising and programme committees invite submissions of high quality theoretical or empirical research papers on financial intermediation, corporate finance, and their intersection.
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Topics: China’s trade and global production chains; China’s financial liberalization; China’s exchange rate policy; The Belt and Road Initiative; China’s corporate reform and performance; Alternative financial intermediation methods; Ownership structure and firm behavior; Capital Market and...
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The workshop organizers invite researchers to submit papers covering issues in all areas linking finance and politics. Topics: Political economy of banking; Electoral cycles and banks’ behavior; Political systems and financial crises; Political connections of firms; Political uncertainty and...
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This small, informal conference seeks the best papers in financial intermediation and corporate finance. The conference allows ample time for discussion, reflection, complementary dining, and outdoor activities, aiming at synthesizing new ideas and perspectives on financial intermediation and...
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The conference aims to evaluate China's developments along different dimensions, including macroeconomic developments as well as structural and financial market reforms. It provides a platform for disseminating current research on China’s macro economy and financial markets, financial...
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The conference focuses on financial reform, and provides a platform for evaluating and discussing China's financial liberalization, integration with the global financial markets, and the related implications for the global economy. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the...
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The organising and scientific committees invite submissions of high quality theoretical or empirical research papers on financial intermediation, corporate finance, and their intersection.
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