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The 2021 edition will feature sessions related to Covid-19 chaired by Stefano Giglio (Yale) and Zhiguo He (Chicago). Please select Covid (topic 31) for consideration for this session. The meeting will feature paper presentations and a doctoral student symposium.
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All topics in finance will be considered. For the first time we will offer a doctoral student symposium at the meeting.
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Papers on any topic in finance will be considered.
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Con­fer­ence Top­ics (Tracks): Asset Pric­ing Theory; Bank­ing; Behav­ioral Finance; Cap­i­tal Struc­ture /​Lever­age Policy; Com­pen­sa­tion Policy; Cor­po­rate Governance; Cor­po­rate Restructuring; Cor­po­rate Risk Management; Deriv­a­tives and Volatility; Fixed Income...
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Conference Topics (Tracks); Banking; Behavioral Asset Pricing/Investments; Behavioral Corporate Finance; Derivatives and Volatility; Dividends and Repurchases; Fixed Income; Governance and Incentives; Hedge Funds; International Corporate Finance; International Finance; Investments: Empirical; IPOs and...
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Con­fer­ence Topics: Asset Pricing; Financial Institutions; Corporate Finance.
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Papers on any topic related to finance will be considered. The program will include traditional research paper and written case presentations as well as roundtables, panel discussions, and invited presentations.
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Topics: Corporate Finance, Investments, Behavioral Finance, Financial Institutions, International Finance, Risk Management, Real Estate, and Asset Pricing.
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Papers on any topic related to finance will be considered.
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