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We are inviting submissions of papers on the post-WWII era. Our preference is for what has been termed ‘historical’ rather than ‘rational’ reconstructions or methodological reflections, but all proposals on the period will be carefully considered. We welcome proposals from scholars...
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Related themes: - Monetary policy - Fiscal policy and monetary policy, Pensions - Monetary Theory, Prices and Money demand - Banking risk and stability, prudential regulations - Banking competition, mergers and costs, Interest rates - Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance - Credit, asset...
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L’objet de cette cinquième journée d’économétrie organisée à l’Université Paris X – Nanterre est de rendre compte de tels développements en permettant à des chercheurs de présenter des travaux de recherche théoriques et/ou appliqués en économétrie de la finance. L’accent...
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EconBiz Events on Mastodon Mastodon
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