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The pur­pose of this work­shop is to bring together macro­econ­o­mists to dis­cuss and pro­mote top­i­cal empir­i­cal research on mon­e­tary eco­nom­ics. Both the finan­cial cri­sis and the sov­er­eign debt cri­sis raised impor­tant issues for the effec­tive­ness of...
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The conference is intended to discuss ongoing research on survey and micro data and its role and usage in macroeconomics. Papers, theoretical, empirical and policy oriented, are actively solicited on issues like (the list below is not exhaustive), - methodology of business surveys - uncertainty...
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This conference will focus on empirical and theoretical contributions providing an assessment of various issues related to inflation developments, offering new perspectives on structural analysis, forecasting and economic policy design and assessment. Possible topics include: - Heterogeneity of...
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For 2013 the SHE Conference theme is Heterodox economics and the crisis that won’t go away. Despite a prolonged economic crisis, which has led to increasing levels of unemployment and low rates of growth, particularly throughout Europe and in the USA, governments and mainstream economists are...
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Topics: - cross-border financial linkages and monetary policy; - trade integration, financial integration and the propagation of and adjustment to shocks; - sovereign risk, financial frictions and monetary policy; - standard and non-standard monetary policies in multi-sector/multi-country...
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Although papers are invited on all areas of economics, special emphasis will be given on areas such as: - The role of central banks and monetary policy - The role of fiscal policy - The conduct of monetary policy under zero bound conditions - The role of, and prospects for, economic growth - The...
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Wir wollen uns auf dem Herbstforum mit den Schlüsselthemen Arbeitsmarkt, Sozialpolitik und der Rolle der Gewerkschaften auseinandersetzen, um einerseits die Gefahren, die sich auf nationaler wie europäischer Ebene zeigen, deutlich zu benennen, aber andererseits gezielt die neuen und...
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Die Konferenz soll die folgenden Fragen aufgreifen: - Welche Fakten sprechen dafür, dass die von der Krise am stärksten betroffenen Staaten in Europa dabei sind, die Rezession zu überwinden, welche sprechen dagegen? - Wie viel Konvergenz und Divergenz in der Europäischen Währungsunion sind...
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Der zweitägige Workshop soll ein Forum für den Austausch und die Diskussion von aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen aus dem Bereich der Makroökonomik bieten und gleichzeitig zur besseren Vernetzung der Konjunkturforschung beitragen. Willkommen sind Vortragsangebote aus allen Teilgebieten der...
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Panel 1 Credit Cycles, Central Bank Policy and the Real Economy in CESEE Session 1 Real Estate Bubbles and the Financial Crisis Session 2 The Finance-Growth Nexus: Implications for CESE Session 3 The Policy Response in Europe: How to Deal with the Financial Cycle
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