Showing 1 - 10 of 21
Der diesjährige Zukunftsdialog steht unter dem Motto: „Der Digitalisierung eine Richtung geben!“ Der Anspruch ist, nicht abzuwarten, was passieren wird, sondern die Zukunft selbst aktiv mit zu gestalten: indem wir unsere Anliegen in einen längerfristigen und größeren Bezug stellen,...
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Was wird im Betrieb in welchen Lernformen gelernt und welche Rahmenbedingungen sind hierfür notwendig? Die Kooperationsveranstaltung der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung mit dem Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund soll auf Basis aktueller Forschungsergebnisse Entwicklungsperspektiven betrieblichen Lernens...
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Digitale Revolution, Arbeit 4.0, Smart Services und einschneidende Veränderungen bei Tätigkeiten und Beschäftigung sowie bestehenden Geschäftsmodellen: Einige Beispiele für begriffliche Warn-und Hinweisschilder, die auf der „Baustelle Zukunft“ begegnen können. Oft verwirren sie mehr,...
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Acknowledgement of the knowledge economy leads to a conclusion that the route to economic prosperity assigns prime relevance to continuous learning. As a consequence, issues of knowledge creation, use and transfer along with the development of innovation competencies have moved to the forefront...
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Topics: - Web 2.0 technologies for Intellectual Capital - New ICTs for strategic knowledge management - Collaborative technologies 2.0 for knowledge management - Intellectual capital as a resource based business strategy - Human capital management - Disclosing intangibles - Intellectual capital...
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ICICKM 2014 provides an opportunity for academics and practitioners who are involved in the study, management, development and implementation of IC and KM initiatives to come together from around the world in order to exchange ideas.
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How can organizations tailor, use, and extend techniques and tools from knowledge management for improving their business practices and processes? Building upon existing work on knowledge management (KM) and organizational learning, the conference will promote interdisciplinary approaches from...
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At ECIC 2014 we are keen to encourage contributions that deal with a range of current and emerging research issues in the IC area, including Intellectual Capital associated with Triple Bottom Line (TBL) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Measuring and notifying the “unknown” and how...
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The evolution of KM has been slow, yet steady. As we in the KM community continue to mature its existence such that is recognized and implemented as a key factor in improving today's society, business, academe and community, George Washington University has joined forces with Knowledge...
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Continuing the success of the ECKM conference series since 2000, the 2012 conference will provide an international communication forum bringing together academia and industry for discussing the progress made and addressing the challenges faced by continuous learning in knowledge-intensive...
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