A Social Action Model of Information Systems Design
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Gasson, Susan |
Publisher: |
Subject: | IS Development | Situated Design | Social Cognition | Situated Action | Organization | Innovation | Integration |
A social action model of situated information systems design
Gasson, Susan, (1998)
Innovating as chains of interrelated situations
Mahringer, Christian Alexander, (2024)
Integration and reorganisation of industrial R&D : deficits and perspectives of empirical research
Grimpe, Christoph, (2005)
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A social action model of situated information systems design
Gasson, Susan, (1998)
A cognitive perspective on boundary-spanning IS design
Gasson, Susan, (2003)
Resolving wicked problems: collaborative information systems design in boundary-spanning groups
Gasson, Susan, (2005)
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