An assessment of the cumulative cost impact of specified EU legislation and policies on the EU forest-based industries : final report
Year of publication: |
Other Persons: | Rivera León, Lorena (contributor) ; Bougas, Kastalie (contributor) ; Zoboli, Eleonora (contributor) ; Ravet, Julien (contributor) ; Griniece, Elina (contributor) ; Vermeer, Julia (contributor) ; Aggestam, Filip (contributor) ; Pülzl, Helga (contributor) ; Ettwein, Friederike (contributor) ; Stern, Tobias (contributor) ; Brusselen, Jo van (contributor) ; Green, Tim (contributor) ; Lovri´c, Natasa (contributor) ; Hurmekoski, Elias (contributor) |
Institutions: | Technopolis Group |
Publisher: |
Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Binnenmarkt, Industrie, Unternehmertum und KMU, Brüssel |
Subject: | Holzverarbeitende Industrie | Wood-processing industry | Holzwirtschaft | Timber Industry and Trade | Wald | Forest |
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