An Equilibrium Displacement Model of the Australian Sheep and Wool Industries
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Mounter, Stuart W. ; Griffith, Garry R. ; Piggott, Roley R. ; Fleming, Euan M. ; Zhao, Xueyan |
Institutions: | Economics Research, NSW Primary Industries |
Subject: | wool | sheep meat | research and development | economic | evaluation | Australia | Agribusiness | Farm Management | Livestock Production/Industries | Production Economics | Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies |
Sheep CRC Renewal Proposal: Economic Evaluation of the Proposed Scientific Themes
Griffith, Garry R., (2006)
Mounter, Stuart W., (2007)
Griffith, Garry R., (2005)
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Mounter, Stuart W., (2007)
An Equilibrium Displacement Model of the Australian Beef Industry
Zhao, Xueyan, (2000)
Economic Evaluation of New Technologies and Promotions in the Australian Sheep and Wool Industries
Mounter, Stuart W., (2007)
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