Analysis of Non-Tariff Measures: Customs Fees and Charges on Imports
This study examines the nature and the extent of use of customs fees and charges that affect imports at borders. It is part of a series of studies that analyse various types of non-tariff measures and the objective of this paper is to contribute to discussions in the Negotiating Group on Market Access (NAMA), the Council on Trade in Goods and elsewhere in the trade policy community. The analysis draws on data collected from WTO Trade Policy Reviews, non-tariff barrier notifications to NAMA, and the UNCTAD TRAINS database and country notes. The study reveals that most types of customs fees and charges on imports are applied ad valorem rather than with regard to the underlying costs of the services rendered. The use of customs fees and charges has also evolved over time: the use of both customs surcharges and consular invoice fees has markedly declined over the last two decades while more countries nowadays charge importers fees for the use of various customs-related services.
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | Trade and Agriculture Directorate, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) ; OECD |
Subject: | custom charges | custom fees | GATT article VIII | non-tariff measures | non-tariff barriers |
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