- Preface
- List of figures
- List of boxes
- List of tables
- Executive summary
- Acknowledgements
- Glossary
- CHAPTER 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Scope and objectives
- 1.2 Data collection and methodologies
- 1.3 Structure of the report
- Part 1: The EU Drugs Strategy and its context
- CHAPTER 2. Background to drugs policy in the EU
- 2.1 Tackling illicit drug markets
- 2.2 Drugs policy in the EU
- 2.3 Drugs policy and the Lisbon Treaty
- CHAPTER 3. The EU Drugs Strategy 2005–2012
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 History of EU drugs policy
- 3.3 The EU Drugs Strategy 2005–2012
- 3.4 The 2005–2008 and 2009–2012 Action Plans
- 3.5 The process of developing the EU Drugs Strategy
- 3.6 Substantive points of debate during development of the Strategy
- 3.7 Internal logic and coherence of the Strategy
- Part 2 Assessment of the EU Drugs Strategy
- CHAPTER 4. Demand reduction
- 4.1 Context
- 4.2 Drug demand trends, 2005–2012
- 4.3 Relevance
- 4.4 Influence
- 4.5 Implementation
- CHAPTER 5. Supply reduction
- 5.1 Context
- 5.2 Drug supply trends, 2005–2012
- 5.3 Relevance
- 5.4 Influence
- 5.5 Implementation
- CHAPTER 6. Coordination
- 6.1 Context
- 6.2 Relevance and influence
- 6.3 Implementation
- CHAPTER 7. International cooperation
- 7.1 Context
- 7.2 Relevance
- 7.3 Influence
- 7.4 Implementation
- CHAPTER 8. Information, research and evaluation
- 8.1 Context
- 8.2 Relevance
- 8.3 Influence
- 8.4 Implementation
- Part 3: Synthesis
- CHAPTER 9. Conclusions
- CHAPTER 10. Recommendations
- Reference List
- APPENDICIESAppendix A: Interview protocol - key informant interviews
- Appendix B: Interview protocol – EU level in-depth interviews
- Appendix C: Interview protocol – Member State level in-depth interviews
- Appendix D: Questions in the EEAS Survey
- Appendix E: Findings from the EEAS survey
- Appendix F: Online questionnaire
- Appendix G: Case study objectives for implementation: data summary tables
- Appendix H: List of documents consulted
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